Advocate Trinity Hospital Reactivates Critical Women’s Health Services
As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to level-off in Chicago, Advocate Trinity Hospital, located at 2320 E. 93rd St, will reactivate OB / GYN, Labor and Delivery Services on Monday, August 17 – reconnecting Chicago’s Southeast Side to critical women’s health services.
The reactivation will reestablish emergency and planned births, Level II Nursery Care and related OB/GYN women’s services at pre-COVID-19 capacities. OB/GYN doctors, neonatologists and nurse practitioners who were redeployed to deliver care at sister Advocate Health Care sites during the recent COVID-19 surge, will return to resume their on-call and scheduled staffing duties at Advocate Trinity.
“We are proud to reestablish access to comprehensive women’s health services in our community which is currently challenged in terms of delivering access to complex and comprehensive childbirth, gynecological surgery and inpatient care,” said Rashard Johnson, president of Advocate South Suburban and Advocate Trinity Hospitals. “Building healthier communities is our passion and we’re devoted to helping people live well in the communities we are so privileged to serve.”
Advocate Trinity temporarily closed OB/GYN, Labor and Delivery services on March 31 as part of Advocate Aurora Health’s broader COVID-19 surge plan. This move reinforced safety precautions for expecting mothers and freed-up additional hospital resources to handle higher patient volumes. OB/GYN patients will continue to be re-directed to Advocate Christ Medical Center and Advocate South Suburban Hospital until August 17.
This reestablishment of women’s services is one component of Advocate Trinity’s COVID-19 reactivation plan. The hospital is currently operating at pre-COVID-19 capacity for Surgery, GI procedures, Physical Therapy and other hospital-based services under the Advocate Aurora Health’s Safe Care guidelines.